Back to our Breve days

As many of you know, The Burrow Cafe was formerly Breve Crepes and Coffee, a small startup built on a dream sustained by incredible stubbornness. I will forever cherish those first years in business, as challenging as they were. I think back to that time in my life, to that rough and ready space filled with second-hand furniture, second-hand equipment, and even second-hand plants. Our solid oak bar top was hand-built by my grandfather, and while it quickly became stained with espresso and was full of little dings and marks from tamping portafilters, it was a daily reminder for me of where I came from.

It has been nine years since we signed the lease for Breve Crepes and Coffee and exactly 17 days since we renewed our lease for The Burrow Cafe for another five years. There were so many moments during the last nine years that I was certain we weren’t going to make it, and now that we are here, I look forward to the future with immense pride, gratitude, and humility.

To celebrate this milestone, we have decided to bring it back to our Breve days by offering, by request, a chance to enjoy our sweet crepes in cones, just like we used to serve them! It feels like a beautiful way to bring it all back full circle. Especially considering we added our handheld crepes to our menu as an afterthought. We added them at the last minute before opening, hoping that it would set us apart from the other local coffee shops downtown. Our crepes ultimately became what defined us and what allowed us to survive in the ever-changing market that is downtown.

I cannot begin to express how thankful we are to each of you who have come through our doors and supported us. Cheers to you, our community, for encouraging us when we closed our Breve locations. It is an understatement to say that we would not have felt courageous enough to give it another go with The Burrow without your support. So, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. The Burrow has grown into exactly what we hoped it would be. We have an incredible team, fresh, delicious food and coffee, and a chance to be a part of this community for another 5 years.

We look forward to continuing to share our dream with you, one crepe and cup of coffee at a time.

